Dance songs for kids are the best remedy for stir crazy and energetic little ones. OK, let’s be honest. They’re perfect for all kids!
Action and dance songs are great when kids need to get their wiggles out, when the weather isn’t cooperating, and when you just need a bit of fun! They’re some of the best songs for kids.
As you know, young kids can have trouble staying focused for long periods of time. They are just not wired to sit still all day.
That’s where dance songs come to the rescue! They add some spice and can also help as a behavior management technique.
We all know the value of recess during the school day. Think of these action and dance songs as a way to incorporate more recess all throughout the day!
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Dance Songs for Kids
Have the perfect song at your fingertips whenever you need it! Grab our free printable below of some of the best kids’ songs.
Here are our favorite dance songs for kids, and we think you’ll love them too!
How to Stream Music in the Classroom or at Home
If you want to get songs without the ads from YouTube, there are a couple simple solutions. You can click the songs directly from this post, and it should take away most of the ads. Screen it first to make sure it works for your needs.
If you are using just audio, I have Amazon Music Unlimited which isn’t free but well worth it for me because we use it each day between the classroom and home. If you would want to download more than 10 songs a month, it’s worth its weight in gold! It’s compatible with your phone, electronic devices, Alexa, and computer. What’s great is that I can download the songs while I’m home on my phone using wifi with the Amazon Music app. Then the songs are always there on my phone, and I can play them in the classroom, the car, or anywhere else.
There is also a 2 million song music library with Amazon Prime. That’s how I started, but then I eventually switched to Amazon Music Unlimited because it has nearly every song.
Get Yo Body Movin’
Get everyone up and grooving with this irresistible action and dance song! Most kids will already be familiar with the guys of Koo Koo Kanga Roo, so they’ll be much quicker to engage and participate.
Freeze Dance
These next two action and dance songs are both variations on a freeze dance for kids. Try them both and see which resonates better with your children – or they might love both! You may want to preview the videos and set some expectations before trying so that things like skipping don’t get too wild.
This first version is by the Kiboomers, and you can see all of their Freeze Dance songs on Amazon.
Move and Freeze
Our friends at the Learning Station have so many awesome dance songs for kids and even an entire Brain Breaks Action CD.
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
If you’re looking for the classic action song, look no further! This version is extra fun because it speeds up as the song goes on. Varying tempos in a song is a great way to keep the listener’s attention! And it is a perfect dance song for circle time. See it on Amazon.
Hokey Pokey
Another timeless dance song for kids! Can’t go wrong with this one. I particularly like how they include a harmony line along with the familiar melody – being able to pick out or copy a harmony line is a great early musical skill! This song also speeds up as it goes along, which adds a lively twist and helps keep the kids engaged. This song can also be found on the All-Time Children’s Favorites album by The Learning Station.
Patty Shukla calls this song “Musical PE,” and it’s a perfect description! Your kids will have a blast following the directions and moving along with her. It also includes a ton of musical goodness like key changes, varying tempos, and simple harmonies. Even though your kids may not recognize these things, they help keep the song fresh and entertaining. See it on Amazon.
Driving in My Car
This video showcases The Cat’s Pajamas, but the amazing song was actually written by Ellen Allard and is featured on her CD Good Kid. My kids weren’t with me when I first saw it and I bookmarked it immediately because I couldn’t WAIT to show it to them!! I knew they’d love the role play of being a movie star, the fun actions, and the different speeds of the song. I promise your kids will be captivated the whole way through!
Shake Your Sillies Out
What a fun song for transitions! There’s more than one song from The Learning Station on here, and it’s no coincidence – they are great at brain breaks and movement, action, and dance songs for kids! See our post of The Best Movement and Action Songs for Children to find their classic Tony Chestnut or see their entire Brain Breaks Action CD.
I am a Robot
A fun dance song for kids where they get to pretend to be robots. This one is great for following directions and for critical thinking while dancing – the directions repeat and add on top of each other, so the kids will have to pay close attention! The is a must-have for a preschool circle time song! The ending is also very clever. See it on Amazon.
If you’re looking for more dance and action songs, or songs to use at circle time or throughout the day, check out our full song library below!
Music and Movement Songs
Educational Songs
- Songs that Teach
- Rhyming Songs for Kids
- ABC and Alphabet Songs
- Days of the Week Songs
- The Ultimate Guide to Preschool Songs
- Rainbow Songs for Kids
- Clean Up Songs
- Color Songs
Start and End your Day with Music!
Circle Time Songs
Seasonal Songs
- Pumpkin and Halloween Songs for Kids
- Thanksgiving Songs for Kids
- Christmas Songs for Kids
- Winter Songs for Kids
- Spring Songs for Kids
Also, have you seen our song posters? We made it easy for you with posters, cards, and song sticks that you can print from your own printer! Check them out in our store.
- Christmas Songs for Kids - December 9, 2022
- Song Sticks - August 30, 2022
- The Best Rhyming Songs for Kids - August 2, 2022
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