Thanksgiving ten frame counting mats are a perfect early math activity for preschoolers. It’s a great hands-on way for helping children learn to count and work on their number sense, especially subitizing skills. These counting mats are perfect to use with mini erasers or any other favorite manipulatives because hands-on math is the best kind of math! Thanksgiving Ten Frame Counting View Post
Easy Outdoor Color Changing Volcano with Baking Soda and Vinegar
This color-changing volcano eruption for kids takes an easy baking soda and vinegar volcano to the next level! Making a volcano is an essential science experiment for kids. This outdoor volcano will thrill kids and adults while introducing the powerful combination of baking soda and vinegar. This is a great outdoor activity for summertime or any season! If you are looking for themes for your View Post
Rainbow Sensory Bottle
Want to make a rainbow sensory bottle that won't mix together right away like a typical rainbow density bottle? This rainbow bottle is perfect, and we love using it for one of our favorite preschool themes: rainbows! Over time, the colors will mix and blend, but it can last for weeks or even months. To see more about all of our best sensory bottle tips and tricks, see our post about how to make View Post
Teaching Neurodivergent Children in Early Childhood Education
One of the most challenging aspects of teaching preschool is meeting each child where they are at. We wear a lot of hats in the classroom when teaching children with various: I am sharing how to support neurodivergent learners in early childhood education. You can take your knowledge to the next level by enrolling in the college course, Teaching Students with Exceptionalities. Our partner, View Post
Creating Musical Memories: Teaching Music in Preschool
Music in preschool is synonymous with learning, giggles, smiles, movement, and fun! It also has a myriad of developmental and educational benefits. If you are seeking ways to better integrate music into your preschool classroom, you have come to the right place! We are sharing tips to help you: After reading our tips, you can take your knowledge of music in preschool to the next level and View Post
How to Include STEAM in Preschool Lesson Plans
One of the best ways to get preschoolers curious about the world around them is by including STEAM in preschool. Bonus! It’s super fun and engaging at the same time! Kids love to create, make, build, and design. That’s because they are natural born engineers, artists, and designers. By exploring STEAM activities for each letter of the acronym, you will easily be able to have STEAM sprinkled View Post
DIY Animal Puzzle
Make a fun animal puzzle that kids can scramble up in different ways and play with over and over again. I love that little learners can mix and match different parts of the animals. Plus, it’s a great way to bring new life to a recycled paper towel roll. This is perfect for an animal theme, one of our favorite preschool themes. DIY Animal Puzzle for Kids This brilliant idea came from one View Post
How to use Question of the Day for Circle Time
There is no doubt about it that one of the favorite and most-loved circle time activities I do is Question of the Day. My class looks forward to it each time, and some of them even bring their parents over to see it at the end of the day. Talk about making my teacher heart burst! Sometimes it feels like there's so much to do in a day and so little time to do it. And when it comes to circle View Post
Why Potty Training is Failing
Potty training is failing for many kids and families! While many parents suffer silently, I am here to shine a light on what is truly happening. If you started off potty training your child with feelings of hope and excitement, and that all came crashing down to a pile of resentment and puddles of pee and tears everywhere, you are not alone. Many parents are finding out that popular potty View Post
5 Online Trainings for Preschool Teachers
If you are in need of preschool professional development credits, you have come to the right place! I am partnering with ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) to share the top 5 online trainings for preschool teachers. These trainings are some of the most essential topics in ECE today. In many cases, some of these topics can be challenging to find training courses for. CCEI is our View Post